This was purchased as a complete running and driving car. The car had a 350 V8 and a turbo 350 or 400(never determined which) automatic transmission with floor sifter. The car was purchased through a collector car museum/dealership.I had the car inspected but unfortunately the inspector did not do a very good job. Note I was stilllearning about inspections when I bought this car.After purchasing this car, I had it shipped about 1600 miles to my location.After I got it to my location, I decided to have it checked over at a local collector car shop. Well before I got a chance to Ok the work they were proceeding with (without my consent) the bill came to about$5000. Part of the cost was a bad rear axle that the inspector did not find. I no longer use the collectorcar shop.Besides work done at the collector car shop, I decided to change the color of the car from blue to ametallic red.Some bodywork was needed and then paint. The car turned out very nice. See the before, during and after pictures.
Here is a general list of the work done: